It’s a little bit funny
to be prepping for a trip over 24 hours beforehand.
But here I am, doing my traditional pre-flight ritual. Because tomorrow (or rather, today) is going to be chock full of activities, and there are already fewer hours than there should be.
So I’ll not be sleeping anytime soon. Perhaps I’ll catch some shut-eye during the commute.
But I doubt it. In fact, I predict the shakes will begin around 10 AM.
Today has the culmination of three projects, a pitch, a proposal, and (hopefully) some farewells.
Then it’s off to the races.
P.S. I have plane tickets. and tickets to another event taking place in the greater Denver Area.
I, Of Course, refer to MileHighCon. On the plus side, I’m totally sleeping with the Artist Guest of Honor.
And taking him on a date. But no tongue.
Now playing: Paula Abdul – Cold Hearted
via FoxyTunes