
holy crap, am I ever hungry.

It’s been 4 hours since my breakfast of two links, Jennie-O Sweet Turkey Sausage, and I’ll probably not eat for another two hours

I can just feel the lbs melting away

Of course, those may be my ribs

Officially billed as “lean”, that there sausage (for those that did not CTFL) in fact has over half of its 160 calories coming from fat. “lean” is a misleading term in FDA parlance, since it refers to the weight of the food (less than 3 grams per ounce, or roughly 10%), rather than the nutritional “value”

Mind you, I cook them on the Foreman grill, after first removing the casings.

This has the general effect of Knocks. The. Fat. OUT, meaning that each link was in fact significantly less than 160 kcal. Conservative estimates of the grill’s efficacy show 35% reduction, taking the 90 kcals down to 60. the casings are to me a flavor and preparation issue, and since it “dries” the meat somewhat, I may be driving that number up/down. Let’s think happy thoughts, and call it 45 kcal from fat, and a new total of 115 kcal per serving for the meat itself.

Times two. More than my normal Lean Ground Turkey meal, but sometimes you need a little extra in the morning.

Like the last of the Mango-Ginger chutney (~40 kcal) and 2 tiny raisin boxes (~ 1 oz, ~ 60 kcal)

Which is a long winded way to say that I’m running seriously low on fuel.

But hey, look, another 302 words on the morning (running total, work+personal = 3016), and it’s now much closer to lunchtime.

I really need a hobby that’s not counting things.