Who’s with me

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but is there interest beyond myself for this locally?

I have a ticket in hand for 7:30 tonight. They’re not at all cheap ($13.50 online), but I feel it of value.

Hell of a lot better than the craptastic crapfest steaming pile of crap that was the advance screening of Southland Tales last night.

And. that. was. Free.

Not at all worth what it cost me. It joins the exalted ranks of Movies I have not finished, and again, I waited 30-40 minutes too long when I left at 1:15 into a 2:17 presentation.

I can only imagine how bad the 160 minute version that was booed off the screen at Cannes is/was/will be.

And 100% less Shatner than was needed.