For the record

I feel fantastic. I just can’t sleep regularly, for some reason. It’s not the caffeine, or the hydration, or the diet, or even the work.

It’s something else, and I can’t put my finger on it. Perhaps I need to drink more wine, it’s been a few days since I “ran out”

Bleep it. Who wants pie?

In other news, Damn, I’m with the Hunger. Got a later than normal start this morning, and I now am quite painfully reminded of the situation in which I have placed my protagonist throughout most of the novel.

Go figure.

Day 10 progresses apace, and soon I’ll go and grab some yummy food. caught up on all my e-mail, and have the day’s work planned out.

Side note. the revelation of St. John the Apostle has a fascinating bit of Metaphor, that ties the following exerpt into the rest of the book, and amazingly well to the genre as a whole. Capital letters are intentional, it was/is the style of the period.

Wherever there was War, and Death, Pestilence was not far behind. As was revealed to St. John, the riders of Darkness were named as such, with only Famine missing from the set. Missing, but not absent, having ridden on ahead. Hunger was the poor’s constant companion, substinance and abstinence two sides of Caeser’s coin.

Without the advantages common to a live of ease, a common life, as well as one of service, knew well the pain of an empty, tight belly. Poets offered few romantic words for the feeling; Love, beauty, Innocence and truth were the riders preferred for these records.

Empty words, once more. God’s book had no excuses, and described all states of Man. The songs of Zion were certainly present, and spoke well of the beauty of his love. Carlos had always found comfort in it, and prayed that he always would. Poets, prophets, and patriarchs. All had known hunger…”