Inner Editor, for the win?

Couldn’t help myself. Damn thing needed to make more sense.

wordcount widgets

Now organized into three sections, rather than the previously planned four. Condensed and renumbered chapters. Fleshed out 4 “minor” characters, one of which told me a fascinating story, and one of which became more Machiavellian than I had anticipated.

You are what you eat, I guess.

Breaking for now, I’m really hoping to get some good rest tonight. Tomorrow, I will continue on character profiles, and hopefully organize the root documents into a more logical format, one easier to update and expand.

At present, in the first two sections (my only focus for NaNoWriMo), there are 24 chapters (12 front, 12 back) plotted, timed and storyboarded. I consider 7 to be “complete” (although the introduction of one may become a 25th chapter, it’s the second best in the volume), and 5 others have significant sections down and saved.

Starting to look like a real book, it is. Section three will require significant research, as the events of “real” Europe heat up. It may also be of equal length to the first two put together, and could well become the second book of a dualogy.

That’s for my real editor and agent to decide. When I get them that is. But I’m definitely on track for a finished product by the end of the month.

For now, I needs me some chicken in a big, big way.