An update

Back home am I, and I have been given pretty specific instructions to be in bed by 10 PM. So, odds are high that I’m not going to get any typing done on the last 4 days of work. Today was full of sore throat lolling around, as time spent in the company of 4 lovely ladies with various iterations of sick did my general cold symptoms no good at all. Mind you, I worked awful hard at being Me (capital letters, TM), so there were a whole passel of not healthy things on the agenda for and during the convention weekend.

I’m not going to go into all of them just now, although I know it will drive Paul crazy. This exact convention was a 10 year anniversary for me, and to describe it all will take the better part of the next week. I left some leading tags associated with the weekend, feel free to make up your own stories if you were not there for the real ones.

Since it will also involve about 10000 or so words to do, I, going to try really hard to use that time to write instead. I still think I can hit the 50K mark by Thursday, but I really need to turn up the metaphorical heat on the project. I got not a lot done on Saturday and Sunday, although thoughts on the project were ongoing.

wordcount widgets

The ~1K words I wrote today were of and in a bridge chapter, one that introduces a plot element I’ve been working on the last few days. I’m not at all happy with it, and at some point that is not November, I’ll most likely throw that mile out entirely, and reframe it.

The Chapter roster looks like this at present

Book 1

Prologue (complete)
Chapter 1 (complete)
Chapter 2 (fragments, revise)
Chapter 3 (50% complete, needs bookends)
Chapter 4 (30-50% complete. shaping up to be much more important than originally scripted, with the introduction of new plot)
Chapter 5 (50% complete, needs back half)
Chapter 6 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 7 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 8 (complete, may expand in importance)
Chapter 9 (complete, will definitely expand)
Chapter 10 (30%, needs back end)
Chapter 11 (plotted, last three paragraphs written in stone)

Book 2

Intro (plotted, written in head)
Chapter 12 (80%, may actually be complete)
Chapter 13 (50%, may actually be complete)
Chapter 14 (plotted, 25% written, but un-satisfyingly different than original plan)
Chapter 15 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 16 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 17 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 18 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 19 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 20 (plotted, no words)
Chapter 21 (Complete)
Chapter 22 (Complete)

For “craft” purposes, If I can finalize chapter 14,and the other incompletes, I could have a finished but not done book by the end of this week. I’ll try to focus on that, but it may make the work as a whole suffer, since that’s just not how I write anymore.

See you all tomorrow.