Tuesday, After noon
Some progress today. I managed to salvage the second chapter, after removing it and forcing an addition to the first. Finalizing the third now, with about half of the fourth, and revisions to the 14th.
Certainly not where I wanted to be, but it’s where I am. If I can finish the fourth and fifth chapters in the next few days, I believe that I can call this a real book. A lot of what I have written is in regards to the structure, the nature of the world I present. It all is revealed through experiences, discovered texts, and coincidence. But at present, it’s just words. Were I to count the research I’ve compiled as progress, I’ve read four to five times what I’ve written in the last 20 days, and it takes a bit just to process things. So much of what I thought I know when I first developed this idea was skewed, slanted in ways that most people would not notice.
I’m not most people. I’ve remarked to my friend and Co-worker T that I sometimes don’t feel smart enough to write this book. Neil Gamin feels the same way, according o the pep-talk he set to we stalwart participants, and it does give me some comfort. I just have this feeling that some of my efforts are wasted.
It will pass. I’m following instructions now, and turning in. Tomorrow, I will work from here, and accomplish what I can before turning back to the book.
But there will be progress.
P.S. the First season of Millennium is an amazing backdrop against which to write. the music, the themes, the nature of man presented and overcome make me feel good about writing, and the hours slip by unnoticed.