So I’ve said it a lot lately, and I keep getting asked.
I’m not contagious, but you are. at least to me. My immune system is hardened by years spent in combat with the American Southwest. As such, Even though I catch pretty much everything that comes down the pike, My Bugs beat it to death in fairly rapid fashion, and then go back to the very important business of keeping me alive.
My enemy is within, but if you want to avoid it, don’t go anywhere on this chart
and don’t share a drink, or food with me. Unless you’ve already passed me your bugs, in which case you’re probably safe, unless I’ve picked up someone else’s as well.
In other news, I mentioned previously that I was not on the plan this week. Instead, I’m remaining vigilant and conscious of my food choices while the body does its thing. I have indeed shed a few lbs since the weekend, and that’s DURING the chocopalyse cake, and the candy + first nog of the year from last night.
Back to work now, while I await the arrival of my Canadian. then, then there will be stuff, and things.
Not too witty during my 7 to 21 day incubation period, sorry.
Now playing: Concrete Blonde – Bloodletting (The Vampire Song)
via FoxyTunes