And Now,

for something completely similar.

Having achieved a word count goal, it’s now time to finish the damn thing.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
50,247 / 120,000

That’s what it feels like, and there’s no time limit on the process other than that I’ve set. I’d like very much to have “complete” next to every current chapter, and since Chapter 4 is threatening to undergo mitosis, 6 and 7 might get a little squeezed together.

But, that’s where I am.

Today feels good. Last night felt pretty awesome, but it was self vindication more than anything else. This is not the project I thought it would be, it takes twists and turns I was not expecting, writes in new characters, and continually challenges my belief in what is “real.”

I’ve run out of Millennium to watch, although I did secure seasons 2 and 3 yesterday. Today, I have X-Files Season one qued up and ready to go, the pilot episode was instrumental to my last push .

Plus, Scully is hot.

Also, you’ll note the time. I got to bed around 2 AM, after catching up on some of my television from the last week. I’ve probably got 5 or so hours left to watch, and will be transferring them between TIVO this morning.

But the real reason I’m up is that I had another Dream. It’s time to write down another plot. It’s been three + years since I had the last one, and I can remember it as if it were yesterday. I also came to the realization in the bath (EUREKA) that text I’d written about the same time as my first outline for HUNTERS can be moved into the sequel for this book.

In which the Hero Keeps a promise, and fulfills an obligation. Don’t take that as any sort of foreshadowing regarding who lives and who dies. Everybody dies. But some folk, they just don’t stay dead.

And as to the song, it’s totally not my fault. It just popped in there.

Now playing: Dexy’s Midnight Runners – Come on Eileen
via FoxyTunes