
I have the portable heater going full blast in my office. At the same time, I am warming my front room , so that I may relax and cook dinner in an hour or so.

If I can move from this spot, that is. The last 24 hours of weather have been, in a word,


I am glad that I have not been heating this space during that time. but I am very much not glad that this space loses heat at this rate.

Plastic is going up this week, and I’ll most likely need to “sheet” the front room as a secondary measure.

It’s freaking cold in here, so cold in fact that my right thumb, while not frozen, is completely numb and refuses to warm up. I’m not having a heart attack, Its just that cold in here.

More later, maybe. I may just wall myself in and hope for the best.

P.S. My overall health has not improves in the last 72 hours, but I will still be heading into work tomorrow. Call me crazy, but it’s unavoidable.

Because I’m more or less certain it will be warmer there than here.

Suck, Ass, Suck.

The MagnerPlex will be open and available for tomorrow night’s television, for any what want to come here. I’ll have the heat on, and will most probably be wearing about 90 layers.