woke up

Thinking about the book.

A lot. 3 hours of somewhat restless sleep.

I just started reading the book I want to write. I’m going to be taking a lot of notes on how it is put together, how it evolves, and where it’s going.

that book is 305 pages long, and a napkin count puts its words at around 144K

I just spent an hour doing math, and 30 minutes preparing this summary. I’ve analyzed all work to date, removed the two appendices, and determined the following statistics

I have written 173 “pages” and 57,283 words (the difference between this and my NANOWRIMO total are in appendices and character outlines that will get folded into the book as a whole. They count, but at present do not advance the plot.)

According to my current outline, I am on pace to write 260 pages, and 94,192 words

We in the writing biz like to call that a “first draft”

Given the example of a real book *in my exact genre* , I should be writing 300 pages, and 126000 words

We in the authoring gig like to call that a book.

So I have a new goal. We are now tracking all three charts, as follows

57283 / 94192 / 126000

(61% current production of 75% actual product)

173 / 260 / 300

(75% current production of 87% actual product)

I’ll find a widget to track it.

Essentially, I’m taking December off, and going back into research mode. I’ll be researching two book.

His, and Mine.

I’ll be posting about other things, and updating as to my progress here and there. But I had to write it all down, so that I can maybe get another hour of sleep.

More later.