All is proceeding according to Plan

179 this morning, exactly as advertised. Splurged with a piece of baklava, but will most likely be eating vegetables for the rest of the day.

Mainly because I like them. go figure.

That sugar rush, mind you, has already given me a killer headache, and raised my blood pressure temporarily while providing a pleasant flush and tingle to my face.

mmmmm, sugar.

Took yesterday off to deal with allergies and joint pain, but managed to work all day long on my front room. I have determined that either I cannot count, or that there is another box of cds somewhere in the Temple. I have more albums scanned in than I have physical discs, and I no longer sell my music. Go figure.

I also unpacked some boxes. these are the first boxes I’ve unpacked in many a month, and the new shelves worked out great. Damn near ready for a photo respective of the place, but there is at least one more bookshelf to buy first.

Most probably going to pull the trigger on an HD Tivo today. But maybe tomorrow, or the day after that. We’ll have to see.

I have been powering through the Babylon 5 disc sets, and am poised to watch the final 6 episodes of Season 4. I’m a bit excited for Season 5, since it was shown on cable when I moved here to Seattle in 1997. Cable I did not have at the time.

I totally have the DVDs, though. Nmmmm, DVD. youy make nostalgia so convenient.

That Joe, so very talented. there’s some damn fine storytelling in there, but I still would rather have had Sinclair for the whole run. Sheridan never really did it for me, and I just never bought the romance.

Then again, I’m not a woman, aged 24-35.

This weekend is RustyCon, and I shall be in attendance Full Force.

2008 seems like a good idea so far.

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