Back to work

Yesterday (morning), I re-evaluated The Book using the tool of non-submersible units. I was surprised by how easy the process was, and was able to cut it down even further last night.

In short, I was writing too much.

I got the Idea from the Wick. He’ll be writing a 90K genre book in February, and I think I want to write 90K of my own in that time. Since I did 58K in 20 days, I believe this is an achievable goal. I am also intrigued and emboldened by Jay Lake’s New Model Process. While I only understand the basics of it, I can do it if I try.

Tomorrow, the journal goes back in my bag. Tonight, Chapter 5 ends, one way or another.

Chapter 5, as you may recall, still kicks my ass. This is a sure sign that I’m finished with it, but there still needs to be one more bit. Then I can move on to what I believe will be one of the hardest parts of the work.

Chapter 6, wherein the Character (nearly) loses his faith (again, but with more pathos). This time, it is because of Truth, rather than Hardship. And to do so, I must challenge my own pretty severely. I knew this going in, and I knew that it would be a stretch to write someone who has so much more of it than I. His faith is of a different sort than mine, a love I once had, but now no longer focus as severely.

I’m going to try extremely hard not to expand his focus. And if I find myself doing so, I’ll have to stop.

My Goal is to start shopping the piece to agents in March. I have several picked out through past associations, and I have a target publisher in mind. I’m also debating the merits of small vs. large press.

I also realized yesterday that I may have waited too long on the non-fiction math book. One of the chapters I set forth is fading a bit from me, but I think I can recreate it. The Big Book still shines clear in my mind, and if the current project sells, I’ll have a High Concept pitch ready to go. That outline is done and ready. there is a sequel/prequel to the current book which I will probably serialize, if I can sell it properly. It’s of a slightly different genre, but it ties things together. And the actual sequel to the work will wait a couple years. The Cathars aren’t going anywhere.

Someday, when I’m older, I’ll return to the Screwball Comedy Book. I have a new priority for it, since there’s someone who will absolutely have to read it.

While he still can.

And that’s enough maudlin for this morning. Time to kick the tires, and light the fires.

(P.S. 476 words, 20 minutes. I can still do it, if I try.)