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5 Questions, from Miki “mikigarrison” Garrison
For those of you who came in late, there are rules.
1. Leave a comment here, indicating that you want some deep , probing questions. Or soft, playful ones. Or really, any damn sort of questions I feel like asking.
2. I give you some.
3. You answer them in your own space, and post some version of these here rules.
So, the Diet Coke Gal asks:
1. If you could go back and “edit” part of your life, what would you change?
Far too lengthy a list for this space. Suffice to say, there is a singular event that I would rather not have happened. But it did, and I am who I am, and I move onwards. A cloned body would fix the situation admirably.
2. What things do you most enjoy smelling, and why?
Rain, on a hot and dry day. Not the driving, soul crushing storms of winter, but the fresh, ozone laden falls of summer and late spring.
Fresh baked bread. It will never taste as good as it does minutes from the oven, and it should be eaten warm immediately. After 30 minutes, it’s just bread.
Fruit, just on the cusp of ripe. Again, in hours/days, it will start to die. Might as well enjoy it before it rots too thoroughly
Beer. Something magical about the smell, texture and taste of a fermented beverage. And since I no longer drink it, smelling a particularly good one is as close as I get.
3. If you could leave tomorrow for a vacation anywhere, where would you go and what would you do there?
The Moon. Not come back is high on the list. I would live, work, and flourish. Any destination that is not the third rock from the sun would be acceptable, assuming there were facilities there to handle my stay.
Limited to a terrestrial destination, I should like to go to Prague, “real†Ireland, “real†Mexico, or back to Maui. Maui will carry with it all the conditions listed under the Moon above.
4. Marvel or DC, and why?
DC. Longer character life (history), more freedom, more heroic stories, more of my favorite heroes. Although lately, both really are not meeting my needs as a consumer. I am contractually bound to stop here in my analysis.
5. What photograph do you most remember taking?
I do not take photographs for recreation. As such, thre really aren’t that many that stand out. Mind you, I remembe pretty much every one I’ve ever taken, so the pont may well be moot. I have a few on my phone for use as caller ID, but that’s about it. Occasionally, I create an image for use on a web site, or to mock someone.