They see me Meme-ing

Today’s internets are slow and ponderous, but there is an interesting meme to be had, courtesy of Danjite, via others

“So, we are a vehicle-based society, mostly, though I’ve a number of friends who have never driven, much less owned a car or motorcycle. I’m kinda curious. What vehicles have you owned, in what order, in your life? I’m mostly getting at street-legal vehicles with motors.

Feel free to spread this one around and post it, or not.”

Those of you who know me personally know that I do not drive, and have not in many years. I do not own a car, and in fact no longer even have a license.

I love driving. I love cars. I love being on the road, moving fast and going places. I just can’t drive in Seattle.

But someday, I will own again a pristine copy of all the vehicles listed below.

In order.

(1989) 1974 Dodge Caryvan – $500, purchased from a beer distillery. Had to hose this keg delivery van down for several days. Would still be driving it, had I not sold it for

(1989) 1978 Yamaha 650. I loved my bike too. Zoom, Zoom. Unfortunately, I had to sell it when I was in college. Which is a shame, because Phoenix was prime Motorcycle riding country. Alas, some breaks must be made, and made cleanly.

(1991) 1972 Buick Skylark – $200 Both the engine and the tires on this car were worth more than the title. Unfortunately, the Brakes were not. This is, and was my favorite car of all time. And on good days, I got 25 mpg! In this vehicle, I moved faster than I have in any other ground transport, and I’ve driven pace cars.

(1993) 1966 Ford Galaxy – $400 This car and I got on well. It was a tank, and it got me through my dark passage. I experienced miracles while driving this wonderful machine, including the circumstances of its demise

(1994) 1963 Oldsmobile – $250 The worst vehicle I ever owned. I drove it exactly once, and it’s effectively the most expensive taxi ride I’ve ever taken. Never even registered it.

(1994) 1978 Oldsmobile Delta 88 – $650 When It ran, this car was the smoothest ride I’ve ever owned. The V8 was so very smooth that I’d have to gun the engine at stop lights to make sure it was running. Brakes failed, and we could not repair them properly.

(1997) 1966 Jeep Wagoneer – $500 I bought this from one of my employees, and I insisted he write “As Is” on the BoS.

I, of course, am an idiot. after 500 miles (aka, 1 week), the engine seized and broke both rocker arms. It never ran again, although I could have replaced the engine with a compatible V8. For $700

(1997) 1990 Chevy Cavalier – $2000 The first Vehicle I ever bought on time. I crashed it 2 days before making my first payment. It was very fast.

(1997) 1989 Toyota Camry LE – $4000 I loved this car. This was a good car. I sometimes price them in the weekend paper. I can get one for about $2000. This car was as fast as my buick, but much, much lighter, . Plus, it had a 5 speed turbo transmission, and cruise control.

I got 45 mpg on every tank. When I moved to Seattle, there was a mixup in my payments, and the car was repossessed by mistake. Since I had no car, and had moved to Seattle, it was difficult for me to reclaim the car, although I indeed had the money. So the bastard dealership sold it, the day before We had arranged for me to pick it up.

Which really, really annoyed me. In fact, I had a pretty good lawsuit a-brewing over it, so I blackmailed them into selling me

(1998) 1988 Ford Bronco II LE (Eddie Bauer Edition)- $1600 This was my first truck. I liked it. It was very useful, and practical for Seattle. I traded it in on

(2000) 1995 Ford Bronco LE (Eddie Bauer Edition) – $16000 This was my last truck. I hated it. I financed 10K of it, made 10K in payments, another 5K in repairs, and went crazy driving it around Seattle for 2 years. They are still trying to stick me with a bill for the remainder of the lease, although they agreed at the time that I owed no additional money.

P.S. I will never buy a car from a dealership again. Of the last four vehicles above I only really liked one.

Lately, I’ve been feeling the urge to drive again. I’m interested in getting a Jeep Wrangler, or one of these

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