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So here’s my Independance day in texts, sent <140 characters at a time

(11:09 AM July 04, 2008)

BhagwanX Happy anniversary, colonists. We the people thank you for you efforts to form a more perfect union, establish justice, and secure

BhagwanX Domestic tranquility. I for one am sercure in our common defense, and try to promote the general welfare.

(about 22 hours ago)

BhagwanX Friday afternoon baseball. Now with bonus seat upgrade!

BhagwanX I am apparently 3 inches too tall in the torso for my blue tooth headset to function ‘optimally’

BhagwanX Also, this impse buy popcorn is stale, not hot, and not possessed of buttery goodness

BhagwanX The rolling litany of mariners charitable programs based on team prformance is somewhat depressing

BhagwanX Popcorn update: an inch down, it haz a flavr

(about 20 hours ago)

BhagwanX Update: ballpark malteds tasted a lot better in the 70’s

(about 15 hours ago)

BhagwanX About to watch Hancock again. will decide after whether or not to see it again tomorrow

For the record, I’m seriously on the fence about it.