That was something

Chapters 12 and 13 are done.

I hope that 14 will be half as powerful as these last two have been.

Since I last updated, Revisions and expansions have also happened to Chapters 8, 15, 16, 17 and 19.

The Manuscript now sits at 90K contiguous words, but I know how much I’ve put into the teens listed above this week.

I’ve now written a trashy adventure novel, and over half a Turtledove.

I’ve also not played video games since Monday night. I’ve generated almost half my November output in three days, and I’m at this exact moment forcing myself away from the keyboard to make food.

Just as I’ve done three other times today.

I sure hope this thing does not suck.

I’ve been so consumed by the work that there is a glass of water in front of me that I pours over two hours ago.

I forgot it was there.

Time for a break, I think. Chapter 14 is important enough that it may become 14 AND 15, but I’m not afraid to go long if I have to. As I mentioned to friends today, these chapters are getting longer, and easier to put down on “paper.”

If I write more about writing, I’m going to pick it up again. Time for meal # 4.

And some Water. It’s good stuff, don’t ya know?