Thank you, gentle readers

Three dear and good friends helped me though the opening of Chapter 17 today, in which the one character present in every scene of the book is introduced, but not named.

I also added some science into my Science Fiction.

Yes, I mention 17, a chapter previously named as “finished.”

The Art previously known as Chapter 17 is now happily living a quiet, still complete life under the new identity of Chapter 18. Chapter 16 got too big for its britches, and I had to cut it off at the knees.

So 17 became the beneficiary of the predicted doubling, which in reality was a trebling, given the now equally completed length of 16.

Did someone say length?

Guess that was me.

130 thousand words. Two chapters remain until I can close the covers, and join prologue to epilogue.

I am very tired now. I am going to bed.

I will NOT be setting the alarm, as that seems to have done nothing at all yesterday morning.