15, 16, et all

Slogged my way through another bisected chapter today, bringing the whole of Book One to 82K words.

However, what is now Chapter 17 has fallen victim to the “What ifs,” particularly the one which makes Chapter 16 now rock as hard as it does.

What are now 15 and 16 required just a push in several places, including the addition of new material surrounding a character and his voice as mentioned earlier today. Not heavy handed, not pivotal, but I’ve wanted to put words in his mouth for some time, and this is the place to do it.

The Protagonist’s struggle is now outlined further, including tying up an plot hook I had nearly forgotten . As we come closer to his tipping point, the cracks in his armor are becoming much clearer to me.

And two weeks ago, I thought I was done.

As a result of today’s efforts, I need to re-write portions of 17 tomorrow, much in the same way that I have for the last 5K words. There are a couple places where I may have to take another hack at it after the readers’ pass, but I am confident that the next few days will be productive ones.

But that’s enough babble for today. How are y’all? Weren’t today’s weather and lack of losses by (insert local sports team) something remarkable?