Movies, comma, loud
I was possessed of the desire to watch a movie with full sub-woofer action during my second 375 ml this evening, and didn’t want to overly distress the neighbors. Having lived here for over a year, I really only know two of them, O and H on the door to the right.
O came home a little bit after, but was having far too much fun to sit through a movie. H was right behind him, and suggested Black Snake Moan.
if you have not seen this movie. there is shame, SHAME ON YOU.
I learned the names of several of my neighbors from H, but for the life of me they did not register for some reason.
Go Figure.
No matter, I discovered fun and interesting things about all 4 of the others that do not require personalization.
Also, sometime in the next few weeks it’s going to be movie night at Casa de Bhagwan. The lineup is set, a double feature of Fight Club and A Clockwork Orange, in that order.
Yes, that’s right. Makes plans to be elsewhere, if either gives difficulties. On the plus side, I rate it at at least a 3 bottle night, so Let’s tentatively shoot for Saturday the 23rd, when I can partake with little to no guilt. There will be punch and pie, and I might be convinced to make jambalaya.
I do likes me the jambalaya, and it’s been nearly a year since the last batch.
It is full of tasty.
sleepy time now, if I’m lucky.