Cunning plan, I haz one

I have determined the source of the MASSIVE, UNENDING PAIN in my neck and shoulder to be a combination of the forced perspective of my desk, and my steadfast desire to sleep on my stomach in a vain attempt to sleep at all.

Last night I planted myself firmly on my non-breathing back (the lack of respiration being why I yearn for the stomach), desperately tried not to scratch ( reason # 2), and managed to squeeze out nearly 7 hours in three shifts.

Last night took measurements for the new desk, and made arrangements to acquire it. Will have to move/discard less of this room than I had thought, and I can keep the television. Yay me.

Of course, this means that at some point today, I will be forced to put on pants. Not sure if this here tradeoff is worth it in the long run, but my neck really, really hurts.

Note to universe. I really, really like cats. everything about them, really, save for the whole pet dander makes me die thing. I’d get one of those hairless ones, but a) they are freaky), and b) dander is not dependent on hair.

Also, this place is not big enough for a litter box, and letting a hairless cat go outside is freaking cruel.

end trans