For lack of content

SO here’s the deal.

I’m not stuck, blocked,, stymied, bolloxed, or otherwise prevented from writing.

I just don’t feel like it.

In front of me right now is a page of notes regarding improvements to B.1, including certain bits that will make the piece much more marketable and increase both the relevance and appeal of the protagonist.

And somehow, when I sit down to put words on digital paper, I just don’t.

Those of you that know me are aware that I have battled/grapples, struggled with/JIHAD! sleeplessness/insomnia for most of my life as a part of my derangement. One of the first things I learned when I began addressing this disorder in college s if you are not sleeping, don’t try to sleep. Get up, walk around, do something else for a while, until you are tired. this works, but it makes me somewhat cranky and lethargic.

Applying those same lessons to the Work, When I don’t feel like writing, I don’t. I’ll make a note on something, read a book that might help my mindset, or otherwise go about my day in a not authorly manner.

The situation has progressed tot eh point where I don’t even want to write down character bios. I’m still composing them in my head, deepening and developing the stories until they take on their own life. I’m just not typing them.

My question to the assembled Internets , for which I require no answer, is this. If wordcount is not increased, Am I still writing?

While you ponder, allow me to engage in meme-ry, while I eat my delicious egg omelette. From the lovely and talented , comes the following:

Who was your FIRST prom date?

Never went. I was at work.

Do you still talk to your FIRST love?


What was your FIRST alcoholic drink?

Jamesons’. It was my father’s brand. Also, I was 9. My dad wisely sat both myself and my s-brother down and poured us a very tall glass, so that we would understand that booze was for grown-ups.

It worked. Didn’t touch the stuff again for 20 years. I had some incidental Daiquiris during a softball game the next summer, because I did not know that it was alcohol. Beer is another story (14), but I didn’t much care for it until I went to college.

What was your FIRST job?

Contractor’s apprentice. 2 bucks an hour. I don’t count the paper route, because I wasn’t very good at it and it quickly became my mother’s second job instead.

What was your FIRST car?

I bouht a beer wagon from a deliver company in high school, but my official first car was a 1972 Buick Skylark. I loved that car.

Who was your FIRST grade teacher?

It was a nun. Like most of that period of my life, I have no solid memories of her.

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?

Las Vegas, as part of the great 70s parent shuffle.

Who was your FIRST best friend and are you still friends with them?

Hard to put a finger on this one. Looking back, I had a lot of acquaintances, rather than friends, until secondary school. Then I got a whole bunch of them at once, one of which I am indeed still in contact with.

Unless you count my Mom or my cousins.

What was your FIRST sport played?

Fantasy baseball. true story. then soccer, as most kids in the 70s did.

Where was your FIRST sleep over?

never officially had one, although I did stay overnight unannounced at a few friends houses in my teens, frightening my mother severely.

Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?

My mom and Dad, second time around.

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?



What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?

Chris Ledoux

FIRST tattoo or piercing?

I have neither.

FIRST foreign country you went to for vacation?

I have never really been on vacation in a foreign country, although I used to visit friends in Canada for days and weeks on end. Does that count? Conventions don’t, that much I am sure of.

What was your FIRST run in with the law?
No comment

When was your FIRST detention?

Teasing the disabled girl for no reason. I’m not really sure I even did it, but I was probably guilty of something. I left after one check in, and no-one bothered to follow up as to my continued attendance after wards.

What was the FIRST state you lived in?


Who was the FIRST person to break your heart?

Limited comment. “Break your heart” implies/requires that both parties once had the same level of commitment. Otherwise it’s just pining/madness.

So I’m going to say the woman in the red dress, and leave it at that.

Who was your FIRST roommate?

Vietnamese guy I was paired up with in college for one semester. Don’t remember his name. He moved out after a few months, with the comment “I found you a new roomate.” After that, the 90s got a little blurry.

Where did you go on your FIRST limo ride?

The airport.

Who will be the FIRST to repost this?

no idea.