In other news, again, with feeling

Last night’s wrestling match with the interests has finally granted me the blazing fast internet speeds I have not yet been charged for, both for myself and for TIVO.

This has several advantages, especially since went a little crazy during last Thursday morning’s period of insomnia, and offered up Battlestar Galactica Season 2 and 3, and House Season 4, for digital download at the absolutely insane price of $5 a season.

I did not drop a digit there.

TIVO is happily downloading episodes at the rate of one per hour. This is a substantial upgrade over the previous download speed of 1 per 5 hours.

Also, all wireless devices are talking to other wireless devices, at comparable speeds.

Other sorts of internet access seem far more stable, and reliable since the battle. I have not yet attempted to play video games with this bounty of bandwidth yet, but it will probably happen at some point today/this weekend.

But wait, It’s November this weekend. Forget all about video games and such. I has another book to write.

Perhaps there will be sleeps.

Next week I go back on cycle. Although I’ve not been a glutton per se this week, there have been milkshakes and/or onion rings. We likes those.

A lot.

No real gains of weight, but neither have there been losses. I seem to have stabilized between 180 and 190 lbs for the period commonly known as 2008. Since I’ve also been sick for roughly half of it, I count this as a victory.

That’s pretty much all I got to say about that, I reckon. Heading out for lunch soon.

Wish me milkshakes.