In the year…

We are 10 minutes into November 2nd, 2008. at this point, I have committed 3425 new words to the story of of my protagonist.

Creepy, disturbing words that led me to a place I was not suspecting, and the invention of a character that not only has no voice, but in fact has no internal organs, limbs, motive power or spirit.

It is the aspect of noun that is not person, and 245 or said words were used to tie it to a place earlier, yet in advance of the other 3180. Those words added to the ground work for another character who will be relevant, yet deeply scarred by other words I wrote in another time entirely.

Not a bad first day.

I added to the black notebook today, the first words I have placed there in 6 months. The smell of ink drying on a page is heady in my nose, and brings to mind the hours spent earlier today defining and expanding a note, an idea I had days ago, but chose not to follow until today.

It’s not done yet. There is more crazy to put down, more madness to which I can lead two men who have never met, yet whose lives are entwined by a single act that in the strictest sense, neither had anything at all to do with.

But, that’s a story for another day.

Perhaps, November 2nd, 2008.