Shocking Cliffhanger ending

Mind you, it happened two years ago, so I’m not particularly concerned if you do not already know that

New Caprica has been occupied by Frakkin’ Toasters.

Season 2.0 and 2.5 are superior in ever way to both what came before, and after them. I can recall my great sense of disappointment while watching the season premiere of 3, after the masterful buildup of the webisodes detailing the resistance. I’m hoping that given the length of the first downloaded episode, my recent purchase includes that content, “spliced” in to its proper place. If not, no great loss, but my enjoyment of the next session of immersion will definitely be reduced.

I have not yet decided if I will purchase season 4 in this format. I guess for me it will depend on whether or not I can spend Pepsi points for the episodes. If not, I can wait quite a long time to see another big sale on Amazon.

In other news, I learned just a bit ago that I also have access tot eh Disney movie library through my handy and helpful TIVO.

Mmmm, TIVO.

There’s not a lot of content there I’m aching to see, but it’s good for a quick rental, expanding my options.

Time now to watch some war movies, I think. Or a bit of crime drama, I’m not too picky.

And write, of course. lest we forget.