That’s a wrap

I decided to knuckle down with some crime drama and Anime this morning, which stretched into the early afternoon. With this in mind, I close this first week of November by closing the book (literally literally) on v1. Today’s efforts went towards filling out yesterdays big battle scene.

and bringing the MS as a whole to 95K

I will be revising the outline again to include the additional content of the newest chapters, and then I’m walking the heck away from this one for a while.

It feels good. It feels right, and I’m happy with the result. Principle photography has ended, and now post=production begins.

In other news, I have had a massive headache for the last week, and it shows little sign of abating. I am fully hydrated. I am less that fully caffeinated, but that has been a state in flux this week. It seems that all the beverages I >want< to drink are absent of that component. Headaches suck. A lot. I also watched the first full-length Blu-Ray movie here in the Temple of Technology. It was crisp, clear, colorful, and transmitted to my television in a resolution greater than it can display. A job would be nice, really nice right about now, and necessary to resolve the matter above to my satisfaction. But I digress. On to the outline, and then to my television. Yay Television.