here I am

Returned home just now from OryCon 30, which was a very fun convention, even though I spent most of Saturday as a victim to my own poor planning.

It was very tasty, though..

The main site has undergone a version change, and a new theme may be in the offing. I do like the regular one, and the post editor now comes equipped with a word count meter, for those moments when I feel particularly poignant.

In fact, In the last 5 minutes, I have written 84 words. It could be that with some of this here encouragement, I could write a much large set of words in a much shorter time thaan I had anticipated.

Or something.

Since me and my 130 words are now just babbling, spewing forth numbers and letters with not much to go on, I’m going to go collapse on my couch for a while and let the crime drama lull me into restfulness

157 and counting