last litle bit

an easy day today, but these words all count.

connected a gap that I had, discovered a character (again), and realized now that the timetable I’ve been working on has become positively Tolkeinesque.

Somehow, this does not bother me.

Going to walk away for a while, do some necessary shopping that I somehow keep forgetting to do.

Tomorrow, more jobsearching, and a well deserved day of rest for my fingers.

Until I start writing again, of course.

Despite my best efforts and hopes, it’s going to split again. Welcome to book three of four, everybody. The bright spot, for me, any way, is that I now have so much material and backstory to work with, that the revised books are as follows.

Book 1: Finished, out to second readers, 99% ready for submission.

Book 2: Outlined and plotted, outline revision necessary. 40% written, target wc 100K words. Second half of book moving into Book three.

Book 3: Outlined and plotted. 60% of target wc, currently targeting 100K words.

Book 4: Outlined and plotted. 45% of target wc, currently targeting 100K words.

At task for another day. but much more fun, I think.