My day so far
Guests leave a little before midnight, and I discover that my IMPORTANT MEETING for the day has been canceled.
To sleep for real around 1:30 AM
Up at 8:30, wish that I was not. Coughing, Sneezing, stufffyhead fever, achy joints and mouth full of BLEH report that a week of long nights as Winter dies have given a special gift tot he survivors of Spring.
10:00 AM. can’t stand it any more. time to shower.
10:15 AM. sluiced and dried. lay down for a moment to close eyes, wisely pull up covers.
2:00 PM Open eyes. If possible, feel worse. Clearly now time for leftovers and diet soda.
You know, Breakfast.
I vote no on Proposition Spring. Who do I talk to about this?