These people are CRAZY

Really, why is there a debate?

My entry, to spare you the 5 minutes of pain that is reading their replies. there are a couple good ones, but for the most part it’s a bunch of 20-somethings who Just. Dont. Get it.

All apologies to the “Picard is God” crowd, but there is really no contest.

Kirk, baby, Kirk.

Decades of hard as nails command, intimate knowledge of every crew member, deck plate and breakable part on his vessel, and really any vessel in the fleet.

Diplomat, politician, warrior, Officer.

Man about town, whatever town he happens to be in. It took Picard 7 years to show up for a poker game, and around 20 to confess his love for another man’s wife, a decade after she was single. Kirk would have taken care of both in about 20 minutes, and then would have traveled back in time to save the galaxy.


Picard became interesting when he became Kirk-like. And faced with a challenge that could destroy everything, what is Picard’s choice?

Go get Kirk. And then old baldy Still loses his ship.

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