Advantage Bhagwan?
Get out your scorecards. This one is complicated.
Positive: I have slept all the way through the night in one place for 3 nights running.
Negative: Two of those nights were riddled with intermittent coughing and sneezing.
Positive: I do NOT have a sinus infection, something which could easily have developed after my mistakes of Saturday Night.
Negative: I just Hacked out the opening chords to “I got a woman.” I was not playing my guitar.
Positive: My time is my own, even though I have the option to sell it at will.
Negative: There are buyers, and each hour is somewhat precious.
Positive. The Mariners are in town.
Negative: I have managed to be busy, sick, or otherwise occupied for the last two days, and will not be leaving the couch today before the afternoon game.
Positive: TIVO has dutifully recorded them for me.
Negative: One of the games is the abbreviated replay.
Positive: Despite numerous instances of Ow, Yesterday was pretty Awesome.
Negative: Today is Wednesday.
Positive: Part of Tuesday’s awesome was getting to know a friend for the first time, 25 years after our first meeting.
Negative: High School is Dumb.
Positive; I have creative projects brimming at the edge of my brain, itching to be typed and recorded for digital posterity.
Negative : I’m out of Fruit, even though last night me , Linz, and my migraine were standing in the fruit section, next to the fruit, thinking about what things we needed to buy for today’s meals.
Positive: All of you read down this far, indicating I’m not so big a loser as I once was. Yay US!
Time to eat Not-fruit and watch three Baseball games. Perhaps I will put on pants.