Not quite a liter, not quite a problem

So the real problem with good wine is that in order to truly appreciate it, it needs to be consumed. Like most creative arts, wine making is extremely ephemeral, and the product (hopefully) can develop into something fantastic if it’s done “just so.”

Case in point. About a month ago, I discovered the Duck Pond Merlot. Specifically, the 2004 Merlot, which through some happy chance arrived at the local Safeway in case quantity.

It was priced to drink, so I collected one bottle during a weekly supply run. As luck would have it, we had a party that weekend, and my thoughtful guests brought me many other bottles to dev—sample.

As such, I did not reach the DPM04 until 2 weeks after initial purchase. Having already waited 5 years to brush my palate, the wine was perfectly fine with a little more dust on the bottle.

For what was inside was something truly remarkable. An explosion of chocolatey, cherry notes, with a 13.5 kick and long, long legs. It was heaven in a glass, and the second half several days later was exquisite.

Naturally, I was somewhat saddened to realize that this particular vintage was gone forever.

Until last week, that is. When I discovered three more bottles nestled in amongst the 07. They were just screaming to be dr—purchased, and home with me they went.

Tonight, I opened the second of three, It was remarkable. So much so that faced with the knowledge that I would not be drinking the second half tomorrow night, I made the executive call and poured the rest into my glass.

Approximately 200 ml remains as I type this, and I hereby inform the internet at large that the third, lonely and singular bottle shall not be relegated to the category of “archived<" for that happy day when the occasion truly merits sharing. Damnit. Times like these I truly can appreciate the value of cohabitation. For were I still the sole occupant of my demesne, that tempting, tasty bottle would be dry and empty in short order before my head hits the pillow for fake sleep tonight. Just thought you all should know. Because if 2 or more of you can come up with a good enough reason, the corkscrew is primed and ready. Good night, John Boy.