Dear knee pain…

While I truly appreciate the many opportunities and additional creative time afforded to me by your renewed presence following my regularly scheduled period of not sleeping at 2 AM, I would much rather you would fade into the general background pain after several hours. Lying down to sleep after having dealt with regular insomniac issues, your twitching, jerking madness is not at all welcome.

Please tell your friend stabbing headache that he too has outstayed his welcome, and should vacate the premises in an orderly and controlled fashion.

The cause? Most likely whatever sent my heart racing to a blistering 80 bpm a while ago, though it has since returned to my normally sedate 55. Have not been caffeinating, though that might explain the knee pain. Have been hydrating, though a little bit more always helps. Also, the swollen tonsils (again) are never a good sign right after the change of seasons.

Focusing on breathing for the next while, though at this point it is unlikely that any sort of restful sleep will occur before the break of dawn. Yes, baby’s got it going on, and a lot of zzzzs won’t like this song.