
I have several essay length posts I’ve been mulling over in my mind, but they’re not quite ready for digital print yet. I’ve been rather silent after November’s non-stop writing blitz, and it’s by design.

The playing of video games and editing prep are my goals for the short term, that and the seemingly endless search for gainful employment.

2 out of three ain’t bad, I’m told.

I’ve also been mister domestic of late, caring for L after during her recovery from eye surgery (not critical, and coming along nicely). I did quite a bit of baking/cooking over the weekend, and look to do more in the next few days.

And, of course, I’m mulling over in what direction to take three different books, while waiting to hear the fate of one-slash-three already under consideration.

Hypothetically speaking.

I’ve still got two fairly decent short pieces ready to submit to genre markets in Jan, with a third benefiting from a good reconcepting that removes the “blocks” I put it on during the summer. Since that piece’s germination two years ago, it’s relatively untouched, although I did realize that my protagonist is a lot smarter than anyone realizes, although the manner in which his intelligence is used is somewhat convoluted.

Hopefully not so much that an editor will not realize it/it’s/his/my genius. It’s challenging to present this kind of fiction in such a fashion that the reader does not feel like an idiot. As his author, I feel that way myself after “boosting” him last week. It was only after I dictated what used to be the story into an impersonal recorder that I realized how very flawed the original idea was, but the process let me realize how much better it could be.

I hope to get to that this week, as another submission deadline is approaching.

All in all, it’s been a good few weeks of writing and not writing. More soon.