The road goes ever on and on…

In just a few hours, we’ll be leaving the Johnson Family compound and heading back North up I-5. The trip has been interesting, and also relaxing. Getting away from our lives for a few days was a nice break, but it will be very nice to reclaim them.

The cats might also miss us, but somehow I doubt it.

To recap:

  • We drove
  • Stopped driving
  • Ate
  • Broke the law
  • Stopped driving
  • Slept
  • Woke up
  • Ate
  • Drove
  • Stopped driving
  • Ate
  • Went to Church
  • Ate
  • Woke up
  • Ate
  • Opened loot like a pack of maddened weasels
  • Ate
  • Ate
  • Ate
  • Woke up
  • Ate
  • Saw Sherlock Holmes, ate some more
  • Ate
  • Constructed a website
  • Destroyed a website
  • Ate consolation Ice Cream
  • Re-installed software in an attempt to reconstruct a website
  • Slept

At least, the last bit is true for most folks. I’m running on more or less the same schedule as usual, which means my 5 AM wake-up call is probably my formal entry into Sunday. I’ll take a shower here in a bit, dress, and wait for everyone else to wake up. If WordPress ever finishes installing on L’ Father’s web space, I’ll rebuild his page sometime today.


Luckily, we wrote everything down, and the files we need are already uploaded. It’s just a matter of re-entering information and a small spot of coding, then he’ll be up and running.

I also did a bit of writing and plotting in my head between meals and not-sleeps. When I get back to the casa, I expect I’ll be a bit more productive than I was in the Month of December. I need to do some edits on the new book, getting it all into one place. But the “new” short piece (I’ve been kicking it around for a few years now) turned a corner on our first day here, and I’m just itching to get back into it.

Catch you kids later, unless we’re too busy eating…

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