
Or, how I finally managed to update my website.

I’ll admit it, I don’t pay nearly enough attention to this site. It’s been a perpetual problem of mine, especially since I let it languish with bad links and navigation for nearly 5 months.

This morning I revised several wordpress versions of my old gaming pages. I wrote them in 2004. There were supposed to be three more in the series, but it never quite happened. I think a big part of the “why” is that when I moved from a static site to a more dynamic blog, a lot of what made my original site special to me just got lost. That feeling of unbridled creativity, testing out new things and trying to make something unique just went away.

Since then, I’ve written a lot of things. Some good, some bad, mostly unsold. The urge to dust off the old and make it new is largely subsumed into the general malaise of full-time employment and creativity for a living.

All I can do is acknowledge what I have not done. No promises, no agendas. But maybe I’ll find a way to take the old girl out for a spin.