And here we go again

It’s November, aka “the month where I no longer have any excuses not to finish this book.

Insomnia and preparation for a day of interviewing had me up and writing for an early start, the results of which are below. After 2 years of editing and apathy, my Science Fiction masterpiece (shuddup) is back on track, and building some speed. In fact, I kind of wish I wasn’t leaving the house in a few minutes, since I’m back in the groove.

So to speak. Of course, I like paying my rent a lot more than I like writing, one of the crazy not-excuses I’ve used for a while to not finish this book. That, and writing a bunch of short fiction and re-writing a different book, but this one has a lot of potential, possibly more than the other ones I’ve got int the bag.

So, expect more short updates for a while. And if you’re writing one yourself, drop me a line and we’ll “word war”