New Book, New Look

I’ve been considering a move to a different web site format for some time, but nothing really struck me as representative of the site I wanted to have all those years ago in 2004.

I fully realize this is a crap reason, and have been exploring other options as my once a month posting schedule permits. But that’s not really enough to justify the continued expense of domain ownership, especially when I’m also considering picking up a second one.

So yesterday I took a hard look at what I wanted this site to do, based on what modifications I’d made to the 5 year-old theme I’ve been nursing along. After a great deal of poking around, I finally hit my breaking point when I spent an hour designing custom interfaces to allow visitors to the site to log in with their existing social networking credentials.

That camel’s back is BROKEN!

I’m riding a new camel now, one easier to maintain, navigate, and which does natively what the other theme required 4 plugins to master. Plus, it has a ton of customization options I’m curious to know more about, and it should be a fun ride through the internet desert to get there.

The switch also compelled me to clean up the site’s “spine,” If you’ll permit the allusion. As mentioned earlier, there are parts of this domain that have been in continuous operation for almost 10 years, and parts which should never have gone live in the first place.

While pruning it all down to an efficient presentation of my world is going take some time, I can at least find everything now, and still show off my first fumbling steps into cyberspace.

So welcome to the new and vastly improved look around for a bit, find things you like, and let me know what you don’t.

And if you need a more urgent call to action, why not BUY MY BOOK.


I promise you, I won’t be sorry.

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