Countdown to Distinction: 6 Days


The Lion In Chains

In less than a week, my first professional sale in over a decade will be in the hands of readers. But that’s not why I’m posting today, and you may have noticed this cover image has somebody else’s names above the title. That’s because I’ve spent a lot of time in the last few weeks talking about my own work, and the process of bringing it to the public.

This week, I want to write about other writers. Specifically, my fellow SideQuest authors, and why you should be buying their books. All this week, I’ll be spotlighting a new SideQuest every day, and talking about why I think it’s cool.

Continuing the discussion of the Awesome, I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine. He’s a quiet kind of guy, and he’s unlikely to tell you just how cool he really is. So I’m doing it.

WHO IS IT: Angus Trim is a skilled swordmaker, martial artist, and author. Though he’s come to words as a profession late in life, his work in the other areas is highly regarded. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Gus was a consultant in the early days of the Mongoliad, and is one of the architects of the next era of that saga. Together with our friend Mark Teppo, Gus has penned a fantastic take on a folk hero we only thought we knew well.

WHAT IS IT: The Lion in Chains is the story of King Richard III of England’s return from the Crusades. Detained “politely” by the Holy Roman Emperor, he needs the help of some highly skilled knights to ensure that not only will he regain his throne, but that his people do not suffer any more than necessary in the process.

WHY SHOULD I READ IT: It’s the flip side of a story you already know well, of a beloved king held hostage while his scheming brother sits on his throne. It’s a story about an unlikely group of adventurers thrust into a web of intrigues that spans a continent. Characters from the Foreworld and the world you thought you knew mix seamlessly, and the result is a rollicking read that will leave you wanting more.

If you like adventure stories, this book is for you. If you like a bit of a twist in your historical fiction, this book is for you. And if you like a certain young outlaw whose name starts with an R, this SideQuest is definitely for you.

And most importantly, you should read it because I want you to.

WHERE CAN I GET IT: The Lion In Chains is available as an e-book from 47North and, and as an audiobook from If you already own the e-book, the audiobook is available to you at a discounted price and vice versa.

WHEN WILL IT BE OUT: That’s the best part. You can pick up both versions of this great story right now, by following the links above.

IS THAT EVERYTHING: I’m glad you asked that. I believe strongly in the Foreworld Saga, and in particular the SideQuests. If you’ve purchased, read, or listened to The Shield Maiden, I want to hear about it. Please comment on this post with a link to an online review of this story. I want you well and thoroughly hooked on this universe by the time my own story, Hearts of Iron, releases May 14, 2013.

Let the reading commence!


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