Countdown to Distinction: 3 Days



The Beast of Calatrava

In just a few days, my first professional sale in over a decade will be in the hands of readers. But that’s not why I’m posting today, and you may have noticed that this book cover has somebody else’s name it. That’s because I’ve spent a lot of time in the last few weeks talking about my own work, and the process of bringing it to the public.

This week, I want to write about other writers. Specifically, my fellow SideQuest authors, and why you should be buying their books. All this week, I’ll be spotlighting a new SideQuest every day, and talking about why I think it’s cool.

To conclude this series, I present to you my favorite SideQuest so far that I myself did not write. Let’s revisit the mind of Mark Teppo as he shows us a less than glamorous protagonist with everything to lose.

WHO IS IT: In addition to being a man who enjoys a quality single malted beverage, Mark Teppo is an excellent storyteller with quite a few credits to his name. If you like tight, gripping stories, you should read his stuff.

WHAT IS IT: While Mark’s previous SideQuests (and his work on the Mongoliad) deal with the Shield-Brethren, this story deals with a retired warrior pressed back into service by circumstances beyond his control. Wanting only to live in peace with his family, Ramiro Ibáñez de Tolosa returns to the fight and strikes terror into the hearts of enemies and allies alike.

WHY SHOULD I READ IT: While the Foreworld isn’t exactly a shiny place, Ramiro is as anti- as heroes get. He’s not pretty, he’s not nice, but he’s the hero Goth– Spain needs.

If you like capable protagonists who’d rather herd sheep than hurt sheeple, this is the story for you. If you like like modern storytelling in a medieval setting, this is the story for you. And if you like a supporting cast that includes many of the kings of Europe, this is definitely the story for you.

And most importantly, you should read it because I want you to.

WHERE CAN I GET IT: The Beast of Calatrava is available as an e-book from 47North and, and as an audiobook from later this year.

WHEN WILL IT BE OUT: That’s the best part. You can pick up this great story right now, by following the links above.

IS THAT EVERYTHING: I’m glad you asked that. I believe strongly in the Foreworld Saga, and in particular the SideQuests. If you’ve purchased, read, or listened to The Beast of Calatrava, I want to hear about it. Please comment on this post with a link to an online review of this story. I want you well and thoroughly hooked on this universe by the time my own story, Hearts of Iron, releases May 14, 2013.

Let the reading commence!


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