So This Happened…
The Wandering Novel finally has a home.
Well, part of it, anyway. After a great deal of thought and a hell of a lot of effort, I decided early this year to publish my first real attempt at a long form novel myself, rather than wait for a spot to open up on a publishers’ calendar.
To be fair, until this last revision there were more than a few problems with the book, and all the editors who passed on it were right to do so. I’ve been open about this in the past, and I repeat this same sentiment in my afterward to the book that went live today. But I feel it’s as good as it’s ever going to be right now, and it’s time to see if it will sink or swim.
Frankly, self-publishing scares the living hell out of me. I’m not working right now, and the costs of producing this book were not negligible. But anything worth having is worth paying for, and the support my friends, family, and colleagues have given me during this process is well worth the pain.
However, money is nice. I’m a big fan of money. So it’s time to start the promotional juggernaut again, and spread the word about yet another of my crazy fiction projects.
As the promo text suggests, Seasons of Truth is a serial novel. Winter will be followed this summer by Spring, with Summer and Fall coming later in the year. Together they form the first book of a series I call The Hunters Chronicle, which will focus on some rather unique individuals as they make their way though the back alleys of history.
Because that’s what you do, when you’re a medieval superhero.
Won’t you come along for the ride?