Down the Rabbit Hole

A few weeks ago I “stealth-launched” the first installment of my serial novel, Seasons of Truth, with a cover reveal the day before the book went live. I think we can all agree that this was not enough time to truly savor the artistic mastery of cover designer Roberto Calas, so as I ramp up for this month’s release of the second installment, Spring, I figured a few weeks notice would be a good idea.

I won’t bury the lead on this one, it looks like this.


Carlos de Roja set out from the monastery of Sant Cugat du Valles on a quest for knowledge, but a life spent in books in no way prepared him for the dangers of the road. When he arrives at the sheltered community of the Blessed Stone, everything he thinks he knows is called into question. With the help of two remarkable women, Carlos must not only fight to save lives, but also to keep his faith intact.

Because Carlos did not arrive alone, and what lurks in the darkness of night may end his journey before it truly begins…

Coming soon to a pre-order page near you. And in case you missed it last week,

Buy My Book(s)!


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