Calling all Readers!

2009A few days ago I posted up some big news about my latest book, Seasons of Truth: Winter, namely that I’ve lowered the price pretty much everywhere to FREE. And while the big online retailers are a bit slow in implementing the price change, I thought I’d share a few ways for you to get a copy of it.

First and foremost is Smashwords. While I’m not a fan of the .mobi transfer their system generated, it does show up as free there, and the .epub version was crafted by yours truly. Also, Smashwords is a great site for independent authors, and supporting them helps out a lot of other people.

Second up to the plate is Goodreads. Just click on the download ebook link and you’re off to the races. It’s still an DRM-free .epub, and will work on any reader not named Kindle. Given that the site is owned by, it’s probably only a matter of time before I’mm be able to post my meticulously crafted .mobi version there as well.

This is the part of my spiel where I implore you not to buy my book. Seriously, save your money for the next installment, whether it be Spring or a full release of Seasons of Truth. I got a great laugh out of the fact that the day I announced I was giving the book away for free, three of my friends immediately went to and paid twobux for it. Amazon has done a lot for me in the past (publishing my first two books earned them a forever place in my heart), but I’d rather get readers than royalties for this particular volume.

So here’s how you get them to lower the price like I want them to. On the Winter product page, scroll down to the Product details section. There’s a link there that reads “tell us about a lower price” Click it and a window will pop up asking where you saw it offered for free. Click the radio button marked “Website (Online)”, and enter the following link: . In theory, if enough people do this they will match the free price (This is the method other authors report using to successfully offer free books on

Until they do, if you’re looking to read Winter on a Kindle there is another option available to you. I have a “limited” number of review copies available that I can send your way if you ask for one using the web form below. There is one condition though–FTC regulations state that you disclose the source of any complimentary review copy. So if you do review the book online (pleasepleasepleasePLEASE), include some variant of the following statement in what you write: “I received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.”

So let’s get the word out! Because FREE fiction is just too good a deal to pass up. And hey, if you like Winter, I have a couple other books out that you might enjoy…

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