News of the iWorld

Continental Bleep just got real.

Last week, I threw open the floodgates and declared the first installment of Seasons of Truth to be FREE. Predictably, a few more people have now seen and acquired the book, but the marketing machine is only just picking up steam. On this glorious last day of June, I can confirm several bits of distribution news.

I’ll start with the best one first. The iBookstore (also known as iBooks) is now offering Seasons of Truth: Winter as a free catalog title. This is a huge step forward towards releasing the rest of the book to a much wider audience, and I highly recommend that anyone with an iPhone or iPad download it today.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Read, review, tweet or share excerpts online, the chances of my words reaching the right eyes just went way up. On the other hand, the price change finally made it to Barnes and today, and I recorded my first sale there as a result. who promptly dropped the book. For some reason I don’t feel all that bad about it, since Also, downloads on both Smashwords and Goodreads are continuing apace. Still no word on when (or if) Amazon will match the price point, but I’m still offering review copies until they do.

And one other online site will be releasing Seasons of Truth this summer.


Starting this week, I’ll be reading from the book in a series of online annotated videos, much like I did for the first part of Hearts of Iron. Only this time I’m not limiting myself to what’s available as an online preview. I’m going to read at least one chapter a week (possibly as many as three, depending on how crazy my life gets) until you just can’t take it any more and demand that I release Spring.

The magic number, btw, is 50 reviews. If we can get a bunch of downloads, and spread the word far enough, I see no problem at all with continuing with the serial format in 2014. Otherwise, my current plan is to write some other money-making stories this year, and then revisit the idea of a print edition in 2015. An edition, mind you, that might hit a bit sooner based on readers responses…

But I digress. Check back often in the month of July for news on my efforts, and as always,

Buy My Book(s)!


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