The Journey Continues

photoFor someone with not a lot to do, I’ve been pretty busy of late.

Case in point, I’m typing this from my new home in Seattle. Surrounded by boxes and empty shelves, the basic shape of my life is still here. Different layout, different light, but it’s still mine, and familiarity breeds content.

Or Content, depending on your emphasis.

FinalOn the same day we found this place, my publisher got back to me with line edits and comments on Homefront. Filling and wrestling boxes have consumed my life for the last two weeks, but as with all things you make time for what’s important. I’m about halfway through on the (very) needed changes, and if possible am even happier about the book now than when I turned it over. I expect I’ll finish this week, one more milestone necessary to bringing my science fiction masterpiece to your hands this Fall.

But there’s something else…some other project I should be talking about. If only I could…


Oh, right. It’s TUESDAY! Release day! Buy My Book Day!

Spring, the second installment of Seasons of Truth is available now wherever e-books are sold. Featuring another stunning cover by Roberto Calas (whose own book The Scourge: Emaculum releases today) Spring chronicles the next leg of Carlos de Roja’s journey of discovery.

In a world ruled by faith and fear, one man discovers a terrible truth: We are not alone…

Father Carlos de Roja set out on his journey seeking answers, but arrived at the abbey of The Blessed Stone near death, with no idea how or why he’d come to be there.

In the days that follow he struggles to remember, while at night he battles strange visions which threaten the very nature of his faith.

Are his dreams real? And will the power growing inside him heal the world, or destroy it? Only time will tell, and for Carlos, time is running out…

So, if you find your self possessed of a few bucks and some time, why not check out our new books? I’ve reduced the price of Winter to $0.99 on (and raised it elsewhere, because money), and for the price of lunch, you can make a couple of starving writers very happy.

In other words,

Buy My Book(s)!

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