
1You may have heard me mention that I have a book coming out in November. Homefront is a big deal for me, possibly the best thing I’ve ever written. And starting today, I’m giving copies away.

That’s right. It’s time to build some buzz. I started a one week Goodreads giveaway in the wee hours of this morning, and 80 people have already signed up for a chance at one of three ARCs (Advance Reader Copy). Sure, electronic copies are nice, but holding something in your hand, turning the pages, leaning in until you can smell the paper, desperate to read every word as the story unfolds…

I want you to have that. In your hands. I want people to be jealous of your good fortune, to ask you what you’re reading.

I want people to buy my book. But to do that, they first have to know it exists. This, my tribe, is where you come in.

If you’re a Goodreads user and haven’t added me as a “friend” yet, please do so. All of my books are up there, though this is the only one the site considers “real.” Sign up for the giveaway, mark it as “to read”, “want to read”, add it to your libraries. Make sure your own networks know about it, just as I’m blasting the news out myself.


You know what? One week is too long to wait. Tomorrow afternoon, I’m taking two ARCs to the post office. One is going to my father, who wants something of mine to put on his shelf. The other is going to one of you. Like, comment, share, retweet, perform an interpretive dance about my book, and I’ll put your name in the hat for a random drawing. All I ask is that you read it when you get it, and maybe pass it along to someone else when you’re done.

It’s a big, wide world out there, and we need to fill it with awesome.

So, let’s get some people to

Buy My Book(s)!

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