Full Speed Ahead

ContinentalI was expecting to announce a couple Homefront-related things today, but it turns out that I’m announcing all of them instead.


For those that don’t know, I have a science fiction novel coming out soon from Arche Press, an imprint of Resurrection House. It’s been a major focus for me over the last 12 months, and as the days march on my general panic level is growing.

Case in point. I’ve known forever that there would be an audiobook of Homefront. There are audio versions of both my previous published works (Hearts of Iron and Blood and Ashes, available pretty much everywhere right now), but for Homefront I wanted something a little different than a standard performance

I wanted a female narrator. I really wanted a woman for this book, since the majority of it is told from the PoV of women/girls. And when most narrators attempt a female voice in an attempt to be authentic, I just die inside. There are notable exceptions, of course (I’m, looking at YOU, Wil Wheaton), but for this book I knew what I wanted and wasn’t afraid to fight for it.

The fight was very brief. Non-existent, in fact, and in the end everybody wins.

Because I got Allyson Johnson.

You might notice another military science fiction series on her resume. It’s where I first heard of her, and Allyson’s performance was what convinced me in the first place that I needed a female narrator.

Still reeling from the awesomeness of her casting, I started exchanging emails with her about the book. She’d read it, liked it, and we typed at length about what I was trying to do with the characters, their mannerisms, and the overall plot.

She finished narrating it last week, and I’ve been itching to listen every since.

Also last week, we released Advance Reader Copies into the wild. One of them didn’t travel far, as L started reading it at night about the same time Allyson was in the studio. She also enjoyed it, which is a huge relief for me. And as reports come in from other readers, my wonder keeps on growing.

I wrote a book, people. Apparently, I wrote a good book. And very soon you’ll be able to read it for yourself.

The e-book preorder went live on amazon today, and I expect it will in other storefronts before long. But more importantly, you can now preview sections of the book before buying it, another step towards my inevitable rise to greatness.

Or at least me getting another book contract.

So let’s do this thing, internet!


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