Coming Home

IMG_0897Today’s the day. I thought I had another few weeks. I thought I’d have plenty of time to prepare.

I don’t.

Last night I held real, finished copies of Homefront in my hands. I signed two of them, and handed one to an award-winning author. I flipped to the back and read the author’s note. I read the first chapter. I read the last chapter. I handed out business cards, networked, and made plans.

Then I came home, and unpacked.


In just a few hours, e-books will be delivered to e-readers around the world. A few weeks from now, your bookstore’s shelves will hopefully look like this.


But also hopefully, not for long. Tell your friends, tell your family. It’s time for the next big thing.

The Homefront Homeworld Tour begins today in earnest. Over the next month, I’ll be online, in line, and generally out of line as I promote my newest book.

November is our big month for personal appearances. It’s so big, I’ll start the tour a week early tonight on Facebook, with some celebratory drinking and perhaps some chatting with people on my author page.

On October 30th, I’m participating in A Murder of Authors, an online celebration of spooky things. I’m reading from Seasons of Truth, giving away e-books, and answering as many questions as time allows.

November 7-9 I’ll be attending the Orycon Science Fiction Convention in Portland, OR. Homefront will be on sale in the dealer’s room, and I’ll be on hand to sign copies and chat.

Just a few days later (Nov 12th) will be the first official reading, at the University Book Store in Seattle, WA. Sharing the stage with me will be my publisher and friend Mark Teppo, the man responsible for Homefront’s existence.

The following week (Nov 19th) we’re taking our show on the road to Powell’s books in Cedar Hills Crossing.

The holiday season will eat up some time for the remainder of the year, but that’s no reason to stop shopping. In fact, I can’t think of a better thing to put on your shelves than a copy of Homefront! From Black Friday until the end of the year, one of these fabulous prizes

IMG_0899 will leave my house and head out to one of my readers. Just ask me a question about Homefront on my Goodreads page, and you’ll be automatically entered!

If that sounds like a lot of work, it is. But most if it will be done by me. All you have to do is…

Buy My Book(s)!

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