Tis the Season…

1I’m holding in my hand the very first copy of Seasons of Truth.

First one. MINE.

Haven’t figured out what to sign for myself on the inside, but I’m sure I’ll think of something. After all, I am my biggest fan.

So far.

It arrived in my mailbox on Saturday, and after a cursory flip through the book most of my niggling reservations disappeared. There’s certainly nothing wrong with the outside. The binding is solid, and the cover is sharp.


Once you crack the cover, the pages are clean, the printing is crisp, and it smells awesome.


So all I have to do now is get it in front of all of you. My cunning marketing plan is in the final prep stages, but start thinking of people you know who like books. Start thinking of places near you that sell books.

And set aside a little time to hang out with 13th century superheroes. I think what I’m working on will make us all happy.

But the best news of all is, you don’t have to wait to find out how the story ends. Fall will be free all this next week, and then the real fun begins.

Stay tuned, true believers.

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