In Which I Am A Person of Interest

If you’re in the greater Seattle area next weekend, and are at all interested in hearing me speak, apparently NorWescon 40 is the place to be.

Behold, my convention panel schedule!

(Note: It’s more than reasonable to expect me to be in the bar at times not listed.)

Thursday, April 13
4-5 p.m. From Ink to Celluloid (Cascade 5 & 6)

There have been so many good and bad comic book related movies and TV shows over the years. Let’s examine the best and worst comic book movies and TV shows and discuss what properties we would like to see adapted.

Friday, April 15
10-11 a.m. Beginner’s Guide to Self-Publishing (Cascade 5 & 6)

Self-publishing 101! Curious about self-publishing but unsure if it’s for you? Want to self-publish but don’t know where to start? Pros will outline the basics of self-publishing: finding editors and cover artists, avoiding common pitfalls and scams, formatting your books for e-readers and print, and putting your work up for sale. Have questions or concerns? Come ask!

1-2 p.m. Failing Upward (Cascade 5 & 6)

Let’s be honest: publishing is full of failure. Failing to sell a book (or five), failing to get your dream agent or publisher, or failing to find readers for your book … the list goes on. But there’s a silver lining: we learn from failures, adapt, grow, and move on to greater successes. Pros will discuss their own failures and disappointments, and how those things actually helped get them where they needed to be, as well as strategies you can use to cope with failures of your own.

5-6 p.m. Shuffling Off the Mortal Coil (Poolside 0)

Fictional characters die, but what if that character is your protagonist? Is killing them a decision that you, as a writer, take lightly? Should you change the outcome for a more positive resolution? Listen to our pros share how they’ve come to terms with their characters’ life-and-death decisions.

Saturday, April 15
1-2 p.m. Star Trek Turns 50 (Poolside 0)

To boldly go where no man has gone before. These immortal words spoken 50 years ago gave rise to the Star Trek Franchise. Let’s talk about the TV show, movies and Star Trek’s impact on popular culture.

2-3 p.m. Autograph Session 1 (Grand 2)

I’ll have books to sell, and conversation to share.

3:30-4 Scott James Magner’s Super Awesome Reading ™ (Cascade 2)

Come and listen to me read stuff, or just to watch me drink. I’m easy like that.

5-6 p.m. The Changing Face of Space Movies (Evergreen 3 & 4)

Only 12 years separate Forbidden Planet from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The two films look like they come from different ages. How did the space movie transform from a simple straightforward story (granted a very well told one) to one of the more difficult to understand if not one of the most controversial films in cinema history? And will we ever see a film as radically different as 2001 again?

Sunday, April 16
10-11 a.m. Fighting Through the 20K Slump (Cascade 9)

Or the 10K, 50K, 75K! Wherever you get stuck in the middle of your draft, you need to push through it to reach the end. What are some techniques for getting yourself unstuck even when the going gets rough? Our pros discuss how they’ve gotten through their own slumps and suggest ways you can do it, too.

You may also find me at the following non-me centric events. I promise to be as entertaining as I can.

Small Press Publisher Social hosted by Clarion West, Hydra House, Fairwood Press, and Resurrection House
Thursday 9:00pm – Midnight @ Presidential Suite 1360

Seattle Pro Social
Friday 9:00pm – Midnight @ Presidential Suite 1360

Spotlight Publisher Party – in Honor of Angry Robot
Saturday 9:00pm – Midnight @ Presidential Suite 1360